Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow Day

This weekend we had a snow/sleet/rain storm. It started Friday night and lasted through most of Saturday. When the kids woke up Saturday morning, they were so excited to see the snow. All Peyton kept doing was walking from window to window saying "there's snow out there, see?" They could not wait to get outside and play. We had to wait until a little later in the day because it was so windy and sleeting. We finally made it out and the kids had a great time.

Aidan all ready to go out.

Peyton all ready.
They had fun playing with trucks in the snow,
more sledding,
and of course, eating the snow. Although I don't have a picture of Aidan, he also loved eating the snow. Peyton was so funny. She would find a spot, lay face down, and start eating it. She would then get up, find another spot and do it all over. I could not stop laughing.
We had a lot of fun this weekend out in the snow, and I think the snow will be here for a couple more days to enjoy.

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